The artist would like to acknowledge the assistance of individuals critical to the development of this project -- members and colleagues of the Catacombe dei Cappuccini at the Chiesa Parrocchiale di Santa Maria della Pace in Palermo, Italy -- who gave their counsel and permission to photograph those persons who are interred in the Catacombe dei Cappuccini: Ministro Provinciale dei Frati Cappuccini Palermo, Fr. Vincenzo Marchese; anthropologist Dario Piombino-Mascali; communications director Alessia Franco; and caretaker Fabrizio Fernandez.

Thanks are given to the artist’s photographic team:producer Marco Beck Peccoz; first camera assistant Jason Willheim; digital assistant Giulio Ordini; second camera assistant Paolo Pizzetti, and third camera assistant Dino Davì, as well as the artist’s documentary film crew: director Alessandra Pasquino and editor Sean Nalaboff. The artist would like to further acknowledge the courtesy of the founder and director of FPAC, Palermo, Francesco Pantaleone.